Commissions are open!

Well, I guess the title already says everything, commissions are open now!
From now on you can use the contact-form to send me your commission request!

Commissions are open from February 1st to February 8th 2015.

As soon as I received all commission requests, I will inform those who catched a slot on my list. You need to wait about one week to get your information and get to know if I took your commission or not.

If you need your plushy until a specific date, please write this in the form too (if it might be a present or something..).
You may want to save up some more money, so, if you wish to be on waiting list instead of active commission list, feel free to tell me that too.


Click here to write me your order!

If you have any questions left, just ask me and I'm going to answer them to you if possible!

Well, I don't just take commission requests for Ponies, I also want to try out something new. And now, just do it!

Good luck everyone!

Yasi has a Homepage now!

Heya my dear visitors,
I'm really happy, that you strumbled over my new homepage, cause of course, Yasi has her own Homepage now!
You are going to find any information you need to know here to place a commission.
May something be uncertain, feel free to ask me or telling me and I'm going to add this.

Just look around and tell me what you think about it!

Have a lot of fun! x3

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